아카이브/C (2) 썸네일형 리스트형 A* 알고리즘 코드(에러있음) 일정 거리 이상이면 에러 발생하는 버전. #include #include #include #include "Puzzle_Structure.c" #define null '\0'#define CAPACITY 100000#define row 4#define col 4#define true 1#define false 0 int TRY = 0;int Element_Count = 0;//int Closeded_Count = 0;int save = 0;int mn = 0;state* root;Tr* TrRoot; void Push_OPEN(state* OPen[], state*);state* Pop_OPEN(state* Open[]);int Compute_Hh(state*);//골state* Best_First_In.. 파일 입출력 함수들 함수명 Parameters return value 비고 FILE *fopen const char *filename const char *mode NULL if failed in accessing ptr to file if successful Mode: - file position is set to beginning if "r" or "w" and but set to the end if "a" - if "a" or "w" and the file does not exist, it's created. - "+" is added to indicate the update node (both reading and writing). - "b" is added to open a binary file - (ex: "rb.. 이전 1 다음